Fight the Flip
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Fight the Flip
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fight the flip
Save the United States of America.
Unite, Fight, and Vote Right.- The Prize Fight of a Lifetime
Democrats nationwide are pumping donations and volunteer hours into OUR Georgia Senate races in a massive drive to flip those seats, crush opposition, and gain permanent control of the United States of America. With that power, they WILL change the United States of America into a socialist nation.
While their slick marketing campaigns attempt to portray pleasant, down-to-earth candidates that care about various groups of Americans, the truth is that the socialists in the modern Democrat Party play on emotions and promote hate and distrust among Americans because they can’t win on their policies, which are either untested nonsense like the Green New Deal , or have an extensive, proven history of failure.
While these socialists claim to support working Americans, the working class will suffer most of all under their heavy-handed governance. They'll be the ones working hard and struggling to pay increased taxes for the Green New Deal, which could cost upwards of $93,000,000,000,000 (trillion) and would raise their energy bills, ban the gas they use to drive their current cars to work, eventually require them to buy a new electric vehicle, and require them to provide “economic security” for all who are “unable or unwilling” to work. They'll also be the ones bankrolling the $32,000,000,000,000 (trillion) Medicare for All plan, a single-payer system that will cause working Americans to lose the private health insurance they've chosen for the government's chosen system that provides worse care with longer wait times., and will result in the stifling of medical advancement and innovation in the long term.
Working-class Americans of every race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and education level will suffer.
Generations of men and women have physically fought, sacrificed, and died for the ideals of this country. Freedom to speak freely about government. Freedom to protest against the government. Religious freedom. Equality before the law. The ability to control government rather than serve government. The opportunity to determine your own path to happiness and achieve boundless success using your own talents.
This nation, and more specifically, its government, have sometimes fallen short of those ideals. But those ideals made it possible for individuals to work toward and demand better recognition of civil rights. These ideals are still worth fighting for. Our American system offers more freedom, prosperity, and opportunity for ALL people than any other system in the history of humankind.
Let's win the fight for the America we know and love.
Knock out the socialist candidates the nation’s Democrats think they can choose for us.UNITE, FIGHT, and VOTE RIGHT.
- Get Ready to RUMBLE!
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© 2020.
Fight the Flip is an independent project based in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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